Professional consultancy and coaching service to help your business grows !

Strength Based Career Coaching

$2,000.00 ext. GST

A minimum of 4 sessions career coaching to assist individuals to identify their skills and competencies, as well as their strengths that can be utilised to advance their career.

Category: Product ID: 2645


‘… One cannot build on weakness. To achieve results, one has to use all the available strengths… These strengths are the true opportunities’ (Drucker, 1967)

When we use our strengths we demonstrate a real sense of energy and engagement. We will often lose track of time because of being so engrossed and will rapidly learn new information and approaches. Strengths are what we are good at naturally, they come from within and we are urged to use them, develop them and play to them by an inner, energising desire. When we use our strengths, we feel good about ourselves and we are better able to achieve things and we are working toward fulfilling our potential.

We help individuals to understand and articulate their strengths, assist them to identify/evidence their skills and competencies while the trend towards a strengths-based approach to recruitment continues to grow.



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