Why we do What We Do
At the heart of everything we do, there is a fundamental belief that we are everything, and everything is connected!
What we think, feel and do, always has consequences, which may affect ourselves, others around us, and what afar, even when it is not our conscious intention.
Unfortunately, too often, this is overlooked in our daily life.
At iGrow, we work with people who want to intervene in this chain of events and take back control of the impact they want to make. We support leaders and organisations to upgrade their inner operational systems so that they can navigate the complexities and uncertainties with more ease, leverage the power of unknown and uncertain to unfold and create, and seek within to utilise all the inner resources to optimise the outcomes.
Leaders and organisations who are inspired to bring clarity, focus and creativity into their daily practices can always optimise their performance with more energy and joy, and maximise their positive impact with more ease.
How we do what we do
The iGrow Difference
We talk straight
as we value healthy relationships that are built upon truth and trust.
We are evidence-based
We take an evidence-based approach to management and development to reduce the potential for irrational thinking, bias, or exhaustion to impact management decisions negatively.
We are Human
We take a holistic approach to development and training and create conditions for ‘self-generated’ desire for growth.
Our People
Ella Zhang
- Org Cultural Transformation •
- Performance Coach & Mentor •
- Mindful Leadership Educator •
The Institute of Growing Capacity(iGC) was established to serve organisations who wish to grow their people to the highest levels of performance, to have greater fulfilment in their lives and to make a positive contribution to the wider community.
Ella Zhang is a passionate change maker, workshop facilitator and executive coach. Her areas of expertise include leadership development, cultural transformation, performance management, and organisational development. Prior to iGC, Ella offered her services in several Financial Institutions as HR Manager in Australia, and as in-house counsel in High-Tech industry in Asia. Outside of her corporate life, she also served as Management Committee Sectary of Spirituality, Leadership and Management Inc.
Besides of holding several degrees in Coaching Psychology, Commerce in Business, Change Management, Strategic HRM, and Law, Ella is a certified teacher of Search Inside Yourself, a global partner for Lifestyle assessment based on bio-feedbacks, certified consultant of CTT (Culture Transformation Tool), certified practitioner of Leadership Circle Profiling, Worklife Career Transformation, i4NeuroLeader, MBTI and Hogan. She is a Professional Member of AITD, AHRI, and ICF.
People we collaborate with