Leadership Lifestyle and Performance Clinic
Leaders who Live well and Lead well
Do you feel your energy drops in the afternoon sometimes?
Do you notice you need a few coffees to keep your mind sharp and non-fogy?
Do you notice that your waistline increased but your focus span shortened?
Does it frustrate you that electric desks, stress balls and mini-workouts during breaks have not improved work efficiency?
A person’s wellbeing and performance are determined more by their lifestyle (40%) than their genetics (30%). The remaining components include working conditions and other environmental factors.
You cannot change your genetics, but you can choose your lifestyle!
In this Performance Coaching program, we take a holistic approach, using digital data about your work, leisure and sleep to create a complete picture of your wellbeing and performance, so that it is easier for you to
– identify your specific stressors in life and work
– reveal how the body reacts to different situations, and
– gain insights into the impact of your lifestyle preferences on your performance.
Leaders and companies we served see the results of helping each employee to make better choices both at work and leisure for increased productivity and optimal overall wellbeing. When your staff learns how to manage stress, sleep better, and exercise right, they will feel more energetic and focused at work, too.
I have been reasonably healthy and productive, but I noticed my energy level is not stable, and sometimes I cannot focus as much as I wanted. So I did the assessment, it is a wakeup call! Some of my daily routines, that I thought is good for my health, actually, end up consuming my life resources and putting my body in this constant stress reaction mode… Don’t say you are taking care of your body till you used this device, I recommend anyone who is conscious about utilizing their physical intelligence to enhance their mental work, should give it a try, you will be surprised. — Direct, Fund Management
I have been curious about how my lifestyle might impact my overall performance, given I’m notoriously known as a workaholic, I used to be proud of that I can easily dive into work for hours without being distracted, but I do notice that I started to add weight, my temper is getting worse… Ella said I should look into my stress management, and I believed I don’t have stress issue, I’m the boss, and we have already secured a couple of long-term contracts and I have been enjoying doing the work… well, the data said the opposite, the methods I used to entertain or relax actually cause create more stress in my body! Whoever is serious about optimising their performance to the highest level they can, should try this assessment, mind-blowing! — Founder, Impact Graphics